Mental Mastery

Mental Mastery Workshops Workshop Outlines

Sportsmind Mental Mastery comprises the six workshops as follows :

Athletes can attend the full program or individual days, and workshops are held regularly throughout Australia and internationally.

** For tuition fees and course dates refer to workshop diary **

Visual Power! Dream It Into Being

Visualisation and mental rehearsal are essential tools for all sportspeople – learn how to utilise and implement basic and advanced visualisation techniques to enhance many aspects of your performance – including specific exercises to improve sports skill levels and competition performances.

Do it! Power Motivation & Achievement Techniques

Achieving big goals is a process which involves deciding what you want, establishing a viable action plan, and taking consistent action. Take the time today to establish your direction for the future and give yourself the best chance to succeed using the Sportsmind approach. Learn proven, power motivation techniques for enhancing your own self-motivation, and important motivation principles for teachers, coaches and team leaders for successfully motivating others in a positive, empowering way.

Core of Confidence! Master Your Emotions

The best athletes have an unshakeable confidence and a positive emotional control that enables them to excel under pressure. However, like other attributes, confidence and positive emotional control are learned behaviours and can be improved with the right training. Learn how to develop your confidence and master negative emotions to get into the peak performance ‘zone’ using simple, practical techniques suitable for both training and competition.

Irresistible Momentum! Develop Performance Consistency

Consistent success is a result of building and maintaining personal momentum by holding a compelling positive vision of your success. Learn how to build and access ‘positive compulsions’ and use your personal ‘timeline’ to be more successful.

Iron Mind! Build a Positive Mental Attitude and Powerful Self Image

Negative thinking is detrimental to individual and team performances – yet even elite level players can suffer from lapses into negativity and pessimism. Learn how to stay focused on the positive, build a powerful self image, and develop the mental toughness and optimistic outlook of a consistent champion.

No Limits! Smashing the Belief Barriers

Beliefs are powerful determinants of sports performance: the body cannot do what the mind won’t believe – yet many beliefs are socially accepted ‘realities’ rather than truth. Learn how beliefs work in our lives; how to release limiting beliefs; and how to encourage more positive and empowering beliefs in your life, and enhance your sports self esteem.

“Jeff has created a powerful blend of sport psychology, NLP and hypnosis that delights and entertains. It takes the ‘thinking’ out of positive thinking making it easy and effortless and provides the tools to make unconscious mastery a reality.

Fluently presented, Jeff’s a great facilitator.

If you have a chance to go to Sportsmind Mental Mastery – take it!”

David Smith, Sport Psychologist, London, U.K.

“Jeffrey, thanks for such a wonderful, enthusiastic and inspiring course. I applied the information personally and professionally straight away and could see and feel the benefits immediately. What a great role model you are!”

Lizzie Watson, Personal Trainer, NSW.

“The workshops were most successful with member feedback indicating that Jeffrey was well able to adapt theoretical principles into highly practical and user friendly concepts. Attendees walked away with a range of practical tools which they could utilise immediately for their teaching and their own tournament play.”

Phil Ayres, National Education Manager, Australian PGA

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