

"Jeff's Sports Hypnosis training was one of a kind! It allowed me to access forgotten positive memories and resources, connect with my inner self, and receive literally unbelievable ways of improving levels of confidence and motivation in quick easy steps."

"Jeffrey's Sportsmind sessions on handling pressure situations and building positive anchors have helped me realise my dreams and improve my ranking from 55 to 30 in the world. Jeffrey was the major reason for my success on my last trip overseas where my partner Wayne Arthurs and I made the quarter finals of the French Open, won the German Open in Hamburg, and were the only team to beat the French Open and Wimbledon champions Bhupathi / Paes in between their two Grand Slam wins. Thanks for the HUGE help!"

"Jeffrey your sessions and books have been incredibly helpful to me, and I now realise that there are no limitations to my achievement. Thankyou!"

"I really enjoyed the course thoroughly. It helped me with my mental attitude in life and for my future in tennis."

"Guess what! In the USA I won a $25,000 Challenger event which bumped my ranking up about 100 places. I'm now ranked 237 in the world (my career best so far) and I can only get better as I can now get into bigger tournaments. I just wanted to share this good news with you since you've helped me so much in the past. Thanks for all your help!"

"Thanks for a fantastic course! I've learned some wonderful mental training strategies which I can't wait t pass on to my tennis players, as I have no doubt that they will greatly improve their performance."

"An amazing phenomenon happened upon entering the meeting room for the Sportsmind High Achievement workshop. I immediately felt compelled to move to the type of person I had been visualising over the past few years for the future, (but afraid to let go) My life adjusted instantly .... and the future looks good! To attend a Sportsmind workshop will help you to empty your cup and achieve through simple techniques a full and rewarding life."

"Thankyou so much for helping Marvin - he has had wonderful results of late due to his change in behaviour. I was just told he reached a final in Sydney by winning a tough three-setter where his behaviour was perfect!! To think that before we came to see you, a coach said he should give up tennis!! He loves the sport, so you were like finding a diamond in the sand for him."

"I've been a midweek tennis player for many years, and my form is often "patchy". After using just some of the techniques provided in your Sportsmind book, I have now reached new heights of consistency......winning 20 of my last 27 sets. I highly reccomend the book to any sportsperson !"

"The best book I have ever read on goals in sport and life."

"Easy to read - my 9 and 11 year old love it!"

Before I attended Sportsmind Mental Mastery I was struggling mentally in my tennis. I knew that my mental fitness needed work but I didn't know how to train myself. Jeffrey's workshop taught me about myself and I walked away with the necessary tools to overcome all my obstacles with a new dimension to my sport."

"Mental Mastery is a must for anyone serious about achievement in sport. I was forced to take time off my tennis and I practised the skills Jeff taught me. I hadn't hit a ball in eight months and walked back on court to play the best tennis of my life. I'm very impressed.

"I had never written a goal down on paper and never made serious decision to achieve those goals. What I learned at the High Achievement program will motivate me a lot more than ever before, and I expect to use the Sportsmind skills in others areas of my sport."

"Sportsmind is the most amazing course providing help with motivation, desire and a will to succeed and achieve one's goals. It gave me a really special inspiration to continue aiming high in order to fulfil my dream. It was fantastic the way that goal setting and visualisation - two aspects of sport many people don't practice - were highlighted as priorities. I now see the importance of teaching the mind and practising mental skills. Thankyou!"

"I found the visualisation sessions to be very effective and educational. The course has influenced my teaching techniques especially relating to my Mind, Body and Fitness for Tennis program."

"This book is inspirational! Thank you."

"Very comprehensive."

"I've been working with these techniques for over a year, and have many successful results and pleasure from using the Sportsmind approach".

"A joy to read - easy to understand, and so comprehensive. A great book!"

"As a tennis coach I am always looking for sport specific ways to help players with their inner game. Jeffrey's Sportsmind workshops kept us interested, fresh and concentrated on learning different mental training techniques over the whole six days!"

"Your help in my preparation for the Aussie Open and the rest of the tour has been part of the reason for my success in reaching my goal of top 20 in the world for doubles and in making the final of the Australian Open 2000. My current ranking is 15 and my next goal is for top 10 and to go one further in a Grand Slam. Thanks a lot Jeffrey."

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